Living is Giving!

The beauty of life is not embedded on just who you are or what you have achieved… but rather the impact your life is got on people you’ve come across.

Though success could be defined as the achievement of set goals, yet that’s just a part of it. True success speaks, it transcends beyond just having your goals met…. Of the truth, it is more appreciated when your environment has a feel of it.

So you don’t need the latest car or a mansion to be called a successful person, what matters is how well, you are able to put a smile on your neighbor’s face or that person next to you. A man once told me that he discovered himself when he started giving… like the widow that gave her little mite and today was accounted for her, nothing is too small to give…

That which you are belittling is what someone is desperately it needs to survive. So be grateful and thankful to God for life that you could achieve that you have at the moment while you hope for better tomorrow.

The season is here again, a time to take stock for the year, your success shouldn’t be measured on what you have or have not, but think of how many smiles you have brought to live and if none yet, you can today start by lending a hand to anyone around you….

Remember, living is giving…. Be a part of someone’s life today

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