It is not over yet… though the light at the end of the tunnel may seem fading away- as a result of frustrated opportunities you should have but couldn’t take advantage of.

Certainly we may want to feel laid down because we’re human… but I say to you, it’s not over yet.

Look beyond what there is today, bury the past and look ahead. Pondering over wasted opportunities will not bring it back, no wonder why frustration set in at time simply because we think over and over again dwelling on issues of yesterday;

What’s lost is gone; you don’t need to keep thinking and crying over split milk…
But rather, what you need is seeking a redirection…. Redirect yourself today as your firm, achievement and purpose depends on it.
Your today starts when you discover your purpose… And your inherent potential(s) is a pointer to your purpose.

Once again, lost opportunities should not deter you from who you are and what you are capable of achieving. Against all odds, just be you, believe for there will be definitely be light at the end of the tunnel.

While we brace for the New Year, it’s just ok to recount the good, the bad, and the ugly times we had in the past months, and take into account the lessons learned.

Music by Rascal Flatt ---I’m moving on

#Not #Over #Yet #Opportunities #Achievement