When you think God’s dead…

In life, we do not know when and how the next act leading to a crucial decision might come from. Growing up as a child, I thought all one needed is the ability to stay alive and then my parents provide all my needs at any given point in time but I was just a child.

Wisdom and awareness come with time, no wonder as a child, I thought as a child… “But as a child, thou hast known the Holy Scripture” is an excerpt of the Bible that later got me amazed at the potency of God’s word.
Have you found yourself in that situation where you think God’s is dead? Or God doesn’t care about your predicament?

Yes! I have.

When I needed that chocolate bar and couldn’t afford it as a child.
When my pairs get brand new dresses for their Christmas celebration and my parents could get me one.
When I needed to go on that field trip and I couldn’t come up with my trip fare

When my loved one died and I couldn’t do anything to save her life.

Oh Yes!
Where is God when my neighbor died in a car crash…?
Where is God when sorrow beclouded my day…?

Believe it or not, the devil has every reason to take advantage of our ignorance. I use to think if my earthly father can give me what I need within his power, then why shouldn’t God? Then I got to realize that the ways of God are not that of a man.

My confession and believe as a child did only made me see how flaw I was as human.

Today, a visit to the Health Centre or hospital, the motherless home, the prison, and even the quiet graveyard, need me not to ponder any more about the might and existence of God.

The air I breathe, the sun in day and moon at night, the rain, the snow, etc., a testimony to the fact that God is not dead.

Are you despair, look unto God for he cares.

He’s the one that sits upon the circuit of the earth….

He’s Alpha and Omega…

He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Whatever you do, just believe He is and is to come… Because by His grace, you’re the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 

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